And he said unto them, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Mark 16:15



Welcome to the Organization of Christian Ministries (OCM)!

The following are a few of the testimonies from those who have ministered with OCM.  We are hoping to add a testimony from you!

- From the journal of Michael York -
on his trip to Kenya with OCM in December 2003

Author and Speaker Michael York (left), speaking through an interpreter at one of the
evangelist events outside Nakuru, Kenya

"Things exhilarating and things tragic… Dust is our constant companion, but the people here don’t seem to notice.

We are special guests.  We enter each meeting like royalty, waiting in the back or another room, being served tea and food and having our bibles and books carried for us by “armor-bearers.”  It is honor both for them, and us…

The music and singing and dancing is amazing, both to watch and to experience…
We’re witness to an outpouring of joy in worship from the people who are so hungry and so appreciative.  I’m exhausted after long days and nights, but they still seem eager for more.

Thank you Lord, for this people and how they have changed my heart and my mind about so many things.”

It is hard to know what to expect when you take a risk and follow God to the other side of the world!  Our mission’s team from Judson College arrived in Kenya with great expectations.  We were not disappointed.  The country was magnificent and the people were very warm and caring.  However, it was clear that there were significant needs.  With close to an 80% unemployment rate the poverty was extreme!

Our hearts broke for the people all around us.  The population of street kids was staggering!  The great thing is that we were representing the one true hope for their nation: Jesus.  We had many great opportunities to share our faith at evangelistic rallies and at a conference that OCM sponsored for the youth.  We shared our testimonies and practical lessons on how to apply the Bible to daily living.

We were also able to visit an orphanage and encourage the many kids. It was exciting to spend time with Pastor James Kinyanjui and to get a glimpse of his vision for Kenya. He had a wholistic approach to ministry that including both the physical and the spiritual needs of the people. We were encouraged to see the land where the future OCM orphanage will be built and were blessed by the faith in the network of churches that already exists.

Our team left with a new heart and burden for the people of Kenya. We were reminded of how blessed we are in America and our responsibility to redistribute our resources. We have another team planning to return this year and look forward to continued involvement with this amazing organization!

Scott & Adrienne Kegel

I had the opportunity to go with my friend, Esther, to Nakuru, Kenya.
This is the urban area outside of Nairobi.  Words can't describe the beauty of this place. Sure, it is a 3rd world country.  But you couldn't tell by the landscape, animals, volcano, and lakes.

The humble people of the area were more than kind and so wanting to make you comfortable and welcome.  If they knew you would be coming into their home as a guest, they'd slaughter their last goat for you.  They don't have much to give, but they certainly don't hesitate to give their all.

I was very humbled by this experience.  I don't want to think that I'm a selfish person, but just recollecting my visit on paper is making me wish that I had given more of myself and had been more willing to be like my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Instead, I remember being fearful of traffic while riding in vehicles, and worried about my suitcase not getting there at the same time as I arrived, and lots of other nonsense.

When these people worship, I remember feeling envious of their whole hearted pleasure in being in the presence of God. I came to help and give testimony, etc. But I came away being ministered to instead.

Esther and I did do a lot of praying and depending on God when we got stranded in the country somewhere.  We prayed together and just relaxed and enjoyed getting to know each other in our dormitory.

I would not take anything for this exciting and wonderful trip!

Barbara Cohn.


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Organization of Christian Ministries

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