And he said unto them, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Mark 16:15



OCM Finances are donated by individuals and churches which have already identified OCM ministries.  We have supporters, friends who give gifts monthly and others give as often as they are able to.  We normally have two annual special fund raising dinners normally conducted in spring and in the fall.  The regular undesignated funds are termed as general funds and are used to support our pastors in Kenya, the field director, the children feeding program, the children scholarship program and the weekly radio program. 

All other funds are used for the reason and purpose it is received.  All designated funds are applied as designated 100 percent.  OCM currently has very little overheads.  The serving board in USA does not receive any compensation or salaries.  Funds donated the previous years will be on display on this website for public inspection.

All giving to the ministry of OCM unless otherwise indicated is tax deductible as permitted by law.  Public will also have access to our books should they have interest to see the activities of the OCM.  Individuals, churches and organizations can also donate goods and given a receipt worth the goods for tax purposes.


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Organization of Christian Ministries

P.O. Box 1663 - Indian Trail - North Carolina - 28079
Telephone: 704.289.8950